thebadpete: While HK gov't selectively targets Uber, here in CA ...
thebadpete: I will now stop complaining the disappearing mini Twix / Milky Way
thebadpete: Happy St. Patrick's Day!
thebadpete: Happy birds, happy kids!
thebadpete: Not funny Joker!
thebadpete: #YodelOn
thebadpete: Making their own board game!
thebadpete: Merry Christmas!
thebadpete: Cheese ~
thebadpete: Best Christmas gift!
thebadpete: Looking handsome!
thebadpete: Raw alcohol, got it
thebadpete: Ryan will learn to code with these robots!
thebadpete: Ryan got a strike!
thebadpete: Inshou special miso ramen
thebadpete: Merry Imperial X'mas from 8-bit Vader and peeps
thebadpete: Backstroke ribbon acheivement unlocked!
thebadpete: Multi-cultural potluck party!
thebadpete: Olaf by Nathan
thebadpete: I can't believe this scene is made into a toy!
thebadpete: YEP 2014
thebadpete: Joker was funny!
thebadpete: Pushing the limit of a heavy Camry hybrid
thebadpete: Finally level++
thebadpete: Come and buy! Ryan's Chinese school classmate's family owns the shop!
thebadpete: This is cool man!
thebadpete: Arcades at work, nice ~
thebadpete: Can we start Oktoberfest at noon instead?
thebadpete: Happy 6th birthday Nathan!
thebadpete: Churro, yum!