the_real_mike_shinoda: Me, Chester, Brad, and 30,000 friends.
the_real_mike_shinoda: So happy to have #riseagainst with us tonight. Great show, boys!
the_real_mike_shinoda: Santiago, you're next!
the_real_mike_shinoda: Big thank you to everyone who came out tonight! CC: @plancheck & @thehundreds
the_real_mike_shinoda: DIY Vans. Just spray paint and a trip through the washer.
the_real_mike_shinoda: Bye Japan! See you in November! πŸ±πŸ£πŸ―β›©πŸŒ…β€οΈπŸŒŠ
the_real_mike_shinoda: πŸ”₯YES @mrjoehahn just delivered a gift to my room. Art books by @usugrow THANK YOU πŸ”₯
the_real_mike_shinoda: Morning sketch
the_real_mike_shinoda: I think we're finally finished with 1000 polaroids. Each one will end up in a limited edition box set. No duplicates. Get yours at Thanks for the hard work taking these, everyone!
the_real_mike_shinoda: Loose sketching tonight
the_real_mike_shinoda: Greetings from Venice. #Welcome #FortMinor #GoodGoodbye #lp2017
the_real_mike_shinoda: Paper cranes in progress.
the_real_mike_shinoda: Til Schweiger
the_real_mike_shinoda: This guy has been playing Clash Royale on his phone the WHOLE time we've been on this promo tour. I feel like I'm playing the game at this point. πŸ˜‚
the_real_mike_shinoda: All hail @runthejewels. @chesterbe and I had an excellent night off, watching these gents kill it in London. #RTJ3 #lp2017
the_real_mike_shinoda: YES. For your meme-making enjoyment. CC: @andre.mdk
the_real_mike_shinoda: Hello Paris! #lp2017 #HeavyLP
the_real_mike_shinoda: The Limited Edition album package is in production. Here's a sample of the photo book's linen wrapped exterior. This package is coming out so good, you guys. Available on #lp2017 #HeavyLP #BattleSymphony
the_real_mike_shinoda: Happy birthday to @chesterbe, one of the most caring, hard-working, dedicated, loyal, talented people I know. Looking forward to hitting the road with you. @linkinpark #HeavyLP #lp2017
the_real_mike_shinoda: Only like 999 to go...
the_real_mike_shinoda: I always love seeing great drawings of the band--thanks to @koyr for this one. #lp2017 #fanart
the_real_mike_shinoda: Cool running into these gents today. Nice hat @skrillex #lp2017
the_real_mike_shinoda: Been coming here every Thanksgiving for my whole life. My Dad has been coming here since the 50s. I learned how to ski and snowboard here, learned how to fish, and learned how to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I eventually brought my girlfriend, who became
the_real_mike_shinoda: Happy Thanksgiving!
the_real_mike_shinoda: Didn't realize this was the final performance for Danny Elfman doing "Nightmare Before Christmas" in LA. What a treat to meet the man himself.
the_real_mike_shinoda: Great party, guys.
the_real_mike_shinoda: Today I had something called an Impossible Burger. Eating it, my brain "knows" it's meat. It cooks like meat, smells like meat, and most importantly tastes like meat. But it's 100% plant based. The people who make it call themselves "scientists, engine
the_real_mike_shinoda: Shout out to @chancetherapper for being awesome in general. Nice truck stop hoodie too, BTW. #magnificentcoloringworldtour