the_quilter: Binding with Ric-rak
the_quilter: Binding with added embroidery
the_quilter: Ruffled lace instead of binding
the_quilter: Pulling the back over to the front
the_quilter: 350846954
the_quilter: 355910348
the_quilter: 351455968
the_quilter: 351455959
the_quilter: 351455973
the_quilter: 355180296
the_quilter: 355180298
the_quilter: 354389347
the_quilter: 358348626
the_quilter: 357124603
the_quilter: 357124600
the_quilter: 360205152
the_quilter: 362772297
the_quilter: 362772292
the_quilter: 362772295
the_quilter: 364523204
the_quilter: 364523209
the_quilter: 364523196
the_quilter: 364523187
the_quilter: 364962003
the_quilter: 366521791
the_quilter: 367415311
the_quilter: 367687151
the_quilter: 379679402
the_quilter: Felted Sweaters into mittens