the_quilter: DSC_2406001
the_quilter: DSC_2405001
the_quilter: DSC_2397003
the_quilter: DSC_2396002
the_quilter: DSC_2328001
the_quilter: CarSeatBlanket
the_quilter: Frances
the_quilter: Baby quilt #1
the_quilter: Back of baby quilt #1
the_quilter: Back of baby quilt #2
the_quilter: Baby quilt #2
the_quilter: Baby quilt #3
the_quilter: Chinese Red Vest
the_quilter: DSC_2118007
the_quilter: DSC_2117006
the_quilter: DSC_2116005
the_quilter: DSC_2120002
the_quilter: DSC_2119001
the_quilter: DSC_2115003
the_quilter: DSC_2114002
the_quilter: DSC_2112001
the_quilter: DSC_2111004
the_quilter: DSC_2110003
the_quilter: DSC_2109002
the_quilter: DSC_1788001
the_quilter: Rectangle Vest
the_quilter: DSC_2080004
the_quilter: Broken Ribbing Hat
the_quilter: Etta Hat
the_quilter: Striped Hat