nflravens: PAIR OF OSPREY
ryknaves: American Kestrel
Helmut Reichelt: Wolken über dem Rachel
Helmut Reichelt: Die Waldberge hinterm Blümersberg
Teruhide Tomori: Ducks flying --- Lake Biwa ---
Yvonne Nielsen: Poppelporcelænsspinder (Swallow Prominent / Pheosia tremula)
Yvonne Nielsen: Gul båndugle (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing / Noctua fimbriata)
Yvonne Nielsen: Husrødstjert (Black Redstart / Phoenicurus ochruros)
Yvonne Nielsen: Murfirben (Common Wall Lizard / Podarcis muralis)
Yvonne Nielsen: Ådselgrib (Egyptian Vulture / Neophron percnopterus)
Yvonne Nielsen: Lys Marmorbredpande (Marbled Skipper / Muschampia lavatherae)
lynie's things: Yule Log
lynie's things: A Christmas Selfie
lynie's things: Camel part 1
lynie's things: Camel part 3
lynie's things: Camel part 5
lynie's things: Sydney's New Years Fireworks
lynie's things: Sydney New Years part 2
lynie's things: Sydney New Years part 1
lynie's things: Hangover
achatphoenix: filling gaps
achatphoenix: waiting for more to come
achatphoenix: Weener Ems Hafen im Advent
achatphoenix: a million lights .....
achatphoenix: Peace, health and happiness for all of you at Christmas, new year 2025. and always.
vip.villyp: Harlekinmariehøne, Harmonia axyridis
Yvonne Nielsen: Sort ildfugl (Sooty Copper / Lycaena tityrus)
Yvonne Nielsen: Skråstregbredpande (Small Skipper / Thymelicus sylvestris)