The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240925_190613 - Pheasants all around in the woods of Bregnemade skov, Freerslev, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240925_184916~2 - in the woods of Bregnemade skov, Freerslev, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: IMG_20240930_190554_HDR - on the tracks in Skullerupvej Hundeskov (Dog Woods), Glumsø, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240930_190330 - on the tracks in Skullerupvej Hundeskov (Dog Woods), Glumsø, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240927_175346 - Autumn leaves and berries, Karrebækstorp Skov, Vesterhave, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240925_184944~2 - in the woods of Bregnemade skov, Freerslev, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240927_175705 - Timber in the woods, Karrebækstorp Skov, Vesterhave, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1883 - Trees and Trunks in the woods of SUSERUP SKOV, SOUTH ZEALAND 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240613_190946~2 - in the woods of TVEDEVÆNGE, Rejnstrup Overdrev, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_2680 - Hare in the woods of KASTRUP STORSKOV, Tystrup, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1957 - Old log in the woods of NÆSBYHOLM STORSKOV, GLUMSØ, SOUTH ZEALAND 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: MOV_6282_000015-1 - alert in The Woods 'BORUP RIS', Rejnstrup, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: IMG_20240417_184524 - Rådyr "European Roe Deer" (center) deep in the woods, Stensbøg Skov, SORØ, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1905 - at Rundemose 'Little Finland', the woods of Stensbøg Skov, Sorø, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: IMG_20240417_194231 - on the tracks, White Anemones in the woods, Stensbøg Skov, Sønderskov nord, SORØ, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1904 - in the woods of Stensbøg Skov, Sorø, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20230628_183321 - at the path, eastward in the woods of Stensbøg Skov, SORØ, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1955 - Evening look to Glumsø from Østerskov, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240612_185022 - tracking along the stone fence in the woods Knurrevang, Rejnstrup, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: (101)DSC_1988 - Springtime Green spring in the woods of Kastrup Overdrev, Rejnstrup, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1884Pretty - Tystrup Lake - in the woods of SUSERUP SKOV, SOUTH ZEALAND 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1978 - Alert in the woods of BØGEHOLM, Bromme Plantage, Bromme, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: IMG_20240417_194823 - Burrial Mound in the woods, Stensbøg Skov, Sønderskov nord, SORØ, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_6292~2 - on the trails in the woods STORVÆNGE, Rejnstrup Overdrev, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_2088 - at the path in the woods of Kristiansholm Plantage, Bjørnebæk Strand, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20240612_185252 - stone fence in the woods Knurrevang, Rejnstrup, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: 20230619_171325 - Hideout in the woods of KORSØR LYSTSKOV, West Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: IMG_20240417_184446 - 2 Rådyr "European Roe Deer" ('back' and 'front' ) deep in the woods, Stensbøg Skov, SORØ, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: DSC_1874 - Remains of a young Deer in the woods at FODSPORET, Hesbjerg, South Zealand 🇩🇰
The One Wonderer PathFinder: (101)DSC_1991 - Holmsøvej In the woods of Tvedevænge, Rejnstrup Overdrev, South Zealand 🇩🇰