Noble Lion: Hipster Mediterranean foodsplosion.
Noble Lion: Fear the power of kittens.
Noble Lion: Happy graduation to me!
Noble Lion: Cigars, rose bubbly, and Darth Vader.
Noble Lion: Got a job callback today, so I'm doing my homework.
Noble Lion: Just tried the pepper two steps down from a ghost pepper. This is what my mouth feels like.
Noble Lion: Sad broken glasses are sad.
Noble Lion: It's probably unconscionably nerdy that I'm so excited about getting this book.
Noble Lion: For being an atheist, I have this strange obsession with Virgin of Guadalupe imagery. New mousepad!
Noble Lion: "I am cat, and I have commandeered this laptop."
Noble Lion: Submitted without comment.
Noble Lion: Basset party on the porch.
Noble Lion: Farkling with the neighbors. Huzzah!
Noble Lion: This drink is called The Squirrel. It's in a massive bowl. Danger Will Robinson.
Noble Lion: Dave: "Hey there, gorgeous."
Noble Lion: Ladies and gentlemen, our chef.
Noble Lion: The palm tree light means that it's still happy hour.
Noble Lion: I have to keep telling myself: just two more weeks. You can make it.
Noble Lion: Pensive cactus bunny is pensive.
Noble Lion: We are not amused. It would seem everyone but me is late for work.
Noble Lion: Gorgeous.
Noble Lion: The Social Work school doesn't have nice things like this.
Noble Lion: Another Save Our Schools rally. The eyes of Texas are on the Texas house of representatives.
Noble Lion: My "new" watch! It's my grandfather's old Rolex, and it's beautiful!
Noble Lion: Pre-Memorial Day celebration.
Noble Lion: Working hard.
Noble Lion: Chaos is inevitable, try as you might to avoid it.
Noble Lion: Tiny dogs and neighbors? Couldn't ask for better company.
Noble Lion: This just came in the mail.