lukerenoe: 310/365
adeoluosibodu: In the Hearts of Men.
Daniel Serva: [ 244/365 ] Analgesia
Daniel Serva: [ 250/365 ] "A beacon in a world forlorn"
Ozan Mutlu Dursun: Equinox III
Ozan Mutlu Dursun: Blossom IV
Daniel Serva: [ 186/365 ] "The Gate"
adeoluosibodu: I hope you get to see the world.
adeoluosibodu: I just want to go home.
adeoluosibodu: Battered Scriptures.
adeoluosibodu: Destiny and Desire.
Daniel Serva: [ 184/365 ]
Joonas M.: Look left
Arman Dz.: We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.
Arman Dz.: There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.
Mishifuelgato: Taparse los ojos
aTTHINA': ca teua
maratsafin: Аша
Daniel Serva: [ 182/365 ] "Refusing Reality"
Mishifuelgato: El retrato de Dorian Gray
Mishifuelgato: Llueven hojas que huelen a recuerdos traumáticos