amaximo: #whatsinmybag #tombihn still the greatest bag company in the world. It holds all my stuff. Yes that is 2 work notebooks it carries.
amaximo: Love the #minions box. Amazon same day delivery is phenomenal and real! Love #AmazonSameDayDelivery
amaximo: New York Comic Con sold out already! Luckily I got me Friday tickets @leftwingssoar better then nothing I guess!? #NYCC
amaximo: Mother's Day leftover meal. Still delicious!
amaximo: Love that iPhone JumboTron color splash picture of Pat and Sam congratulations #CBUGRAD2015
amaximo: The greatest match up in pop culture history. #Bigfoot #sixmilliondollarman
amaximo: I was told that this is one one of the hottest comics on the market now! #ArchievsPredator
amaximo: @libbaeee i was thinking of a selfie stick what'd you think too small?
amaximo: Yummy grilled squash and zucchini!
amaximo: One very cool picture I took on a 20 megapixel Lumia Icon. It really takes great photos! #wondercon2015
amaximo: A collection of Doctors #drwho #wondercon2015
amaximo: This was different you don't have to be a super hero for Cosplay #wondercon2015
amaximo: After walking off a pound of fat I'm going to put it back!!!
amaximo: The wall of Light Sabers. This booth was hand crafting some serious Light Sabers and they weren't cheap. #wondercon2015
amaximo: The cosplay commitment #wondercon2015 I should be taking a picture of all the camera shooting on my side.
amaximo: Nothing says art then two freaky kids painting! #wondercon2015
amaximo: Trying to find a photo of Christine was like trying to find a needle in the haystack! At least one she wouldn't be upset at posting to the world... Happy Birthday fools baby!
amaximo: A remarkably cheap over the ear headphone for $24 from #monoprice outstanding fidelity.
amaximo: The drawing that defined my career in technology!
amaximo: @cassie_thornton this coffee is so delicious I bought some more! Thank you #Amazon
amaximo: For a light roasted coffee this #peetscoffee kcup is delicious. #Keurig strikes again!
amaximo: The first 100% online purchase of shoes thank you #Amazon #eccoshoes a perfect fit!
amaximo: The #portillos hot combo so delicious!
amaximo: My overly obsession with bag management thank you #tombihn
amaximo: Not a great start for the new Secretary of Defenses wife. #creeper
amaximo: The final creation #aperfectplateoffood
amaximo: Broccoli with butter garlic mushrooms drizzled over!
amaximo: My first attempt in walking a treadmill for 30 min. The pain #babysteps
amaximo: @chloe0livia these are the mother of all screws. So small they can absorb through your skin! #stupidapplescrews
amaximo: I've added some decoration to my office. To keep my flying pig company I got me some Geek Art. #gigabytestrigabytes