The_April: Mother's Day dinner with my loves
The_April: The Locks with my little friend
The_April: Blooms around the yard, rhododendron and azalea heavy. #flowerwatch2017
The_April: Friday night at home 🍹
The_April: Some time alone at home = beer + gardening
The_April: This peony from my yard is kind of looking at me funny.
The_April: So messy and beautiful
The_April: Beauty
The_April: Walter loves pinball
The_April: It's our first date night out! Cocktails! Oysters! Us!
The_April: Got on that troll
The_April: upload
The_April: Proper drink for this stormy day
The_April: This fantastic baby is two months old! He likes to smile, laugh, roll from his belly to his back, stick his tongue out at you, and gaze at stripes. We love him so much!
The_April: Mimi 😻
The_April: I took the Vitamix outside so I don't wake Walter and/or Ace up 😂
The_April: I planted these deep red bulbs this fall and love the color! I'm slowly adding more colors each year to get the right mix. #flowerwatch2017 #tulipwatch2017
The_April: Grey sky 4eva
The_April: I'm hoping to grow some glass gem corn this summer. It's not a guarantee with Seattle summers being a bit short and not usually very hot, but it worth a shot.
The_April: A bath + The Sundays + alone 💗
The_April: Laying down in the grass
The_April: I planted this apple tree last year and it looks like I could get apples this year! A different variety grows on each of the three tiers. Really looking forward to some home grown Honeycrisps!
The_April: 😂
The_April: My first solo walk since Ace was born. It's nice to visit my favorite little local park.
The_April: The Japanese maple leafed out in one day! #treewatch2017
The_April: Will the rain ever stop?
The_April: #flowerwatch2017
The_April: Taking a little break up on the deck. It's such a beautiful evening!
The_April: Brunch mama and Ace
The_April: Ocean Titan