*miss led*: Met the man. My illustration hero. Was actually trembling. Go see the exhibition Comics Unmasked at The British Museum, and check the commissioned work by the brilliant Jamie Hewlett
nguera: port
nguera: upload
RABBIT EYE MOVEMENT: raptors anatomy
Seprello: Rasgluten
Fat Heat .hu: Jack was in the box
louis masai michel: the money theif strikes again
The Gurch 25: raw virus
Dan Kitchener - DANK: Upfest 2011 - Hand detail
Dan Kitchener - DANK: Phantoms of ww1
GROT BAGS: We are Four Pence
INKFETISH 40HK: Screamer 2.0
mrzero: international business machine
mrzero: la onda
GROT BAGS: Orange Deus
WhatWhyWen: Hollow socks.
eyefeelsick: Eyefeelsick
Pixeljuice23: vertical output
blam2002: TRiBAL
Mr_Boscagli: OCTOvsPIRATE
TEAONE 9N069T: Blackbook sessions
Mike22inks: stokes deamz
TANT_BFC: the new collection is out!
nolionsinengland: BomK - Muthafucker