the 5683: DSCF2616
the 5683: finders keepers 1
the 5683: piece of piss
the 5683: jimmy-saville cookie jar
the 5683: snowboards summer 07
the 5683: doodlejam2 painting
the 5683: "extreme knob action from the front section"
the 5683: "clowny clowny krsna". FOR SALE.
the 5683: "Neeeeed mooooore brrraaaaaiiinss!"FOR SALE
the 5683: "dont mess with the eighties!"
the 5683: "Hatty McTwatson"FOR SALE
the 5683: "one of Emmas dilemas"
the 5683: 2007
the 5683: "Jimbo no limbs oh" 30 x 40 inch canvas
the 5683: "I killed cock robin"
the 5683: 2005 canvas
the 5683: 2005 canvas
the 5683: 2005 work on old framed print
the 5683: ("Bite me human scumbag" - "Shit off Mr.Mouse.")
the 5683: DRAGSTAR collaboration painting with JENISM
the 5683: bmx for "WE THe PEOPLE" with jenism
the 5683: bmx-seat 2007
the 5683: in RUGGED cahartt mag
the 5683: setting up at the foundry.
the 5683: livebite1