That Girl Crystal: Going full pink for date night.
That Girl Crystal: Certainly will, everyday.
That Girl Crystal: Packed house at City Lights for Roxane Gay
That Girl Crystal: This one goes out to all the awesome cmgr ladies courtesy Roxane Gay.
That Girl Crystal: Oh, the shade.
That Girl Crystal: Yep. This is happening.
That Girl Crystal: It's a beautiful evening for Beyonce.
That Girl Crystal: True sweet tea and fried pickles. #homefood
That Girl Crystal: My office for the next couple of hours. Next stop: Charlotte and BFF time.
That Girl Crystal: The amazing birthday cake I got at work from Melange Market.
That Girl Crystal: We didn't get the angle quite right, but I think we found the Ben and Leslie spot.
That Girl Crystal: I treated myself to a couple of early birthday presents.
That Girl Crystal: Charlotte's going to finish up the rest of my work for today.
That Girl Crystal: Today's early lunch and learn: Norman Gershenz of
That Girl Crystal: Came into work to find an impromptu World Cup party with our upstairs neighbors.
That Girl Crystal: My work buddy today.
That Girl Crystal: Elphie representing for her daddy's company.
That Girl Crystal: Lunch and learn with Julian from InstaGIS
That Girl Crystal: A warm welcome already!
That Girl Crystal: Heading to first day at new job train-selfie. Gorgeous day in the bay.
That Girl Crystal: Bye, NYC, it's been a pleasure.
That Girl Crystal: "She walked with God and she was not, for God took her."
That Girl Crystal: Lobster Chocolates.
That Girl Crystal: 10 pages of notes today from Day 1 of #cmxsummit. Change, dinner, party, and do it again tomorrow.
That Girl Crystal: Why yes, I will enjoy a ridiculous margarita on this delay.
That Girl Crystal: On the plus side, check out the awesome purple carry on I treated myself to.
That Girl Crystal: Two hour and counting delay selfie. Should have trusted my gut and gone to the awesome burger place instead of wolfing down sbarro cause I thought we'd be leaving soon.
That Girl Crystal: It's allyception here at #octribe. @allygreer
That Girl Crystal: Elphie had a fun day at the beach.
That Girl Crystal: Hey there sea snails.