Avanaut: Lego Darth Vader Staying Alive
Bob Kieffer: Imperial Commander
Bob Kieffer: Grand Moff Tarkin
toyfoto: seamans
jim9311: #pulmonary says I am breathing. Yay me!
toyfoto: My date for the evening.
Ape Lad: The Dynamic Duo
kudzutech: HOLY META BATMAN!!! It's Batman and Batgirl liking my Batman and Batgirl cover!
Bob Kieffer: Neal Adams Batman Closeup
Latitude13: Up Is Down
jim9311: upload
Sir Cam @camdiary: Are you a Doctor Who fan, Shelley?
RyanManuel: Ethereal Light
jim9311: The Nick Cage
Bob Kieffer: Comic Judge Dredd
Bob Kieffer: Comic Judge Dredd
jim9311: 20131215-WP_20131215_002
Avanaut: The Backyard Falcon
Avanaut: The T.I.E. Fighter
Bob Kieffer: World's Finest?
jim9311: 29 January 2014
jim9311: 20140117-DSCF5035
Avanaut: A Star Wars Poster I'd Like to See
jim9311: 20131117-DSCF4341
Ape Lad: Doom Patrol! #inktober
Bob Kieffer: Kingdom Come Superman
Bob Kieffer: Kingdom Come Superman
Bob Kieffer: New 52 Batman Turn
Bob Kieffer: batmanavatar
Legopard: Steampunk Batcave