that blue guy: Red: Complementary.
that blue guy: Red: Triad.
that blue guy: Red: Monotone.
that blue guy: Vincent
that blue guy: William
that blue guy: Infinite Potential
that blue guy: Early Bird
that blue guy: Depraved Oblivion
that blue guy: Depraved Oblivion
that blue guy: Self Portrait Mask
that blue guy: Anybody home?
that blue guy: A Guy Reading a Book
that blue guy: Don't Blink.
that blue guy: Bright. Saturate. Texture.
that blue guy: Too late.
that blue guy: Chobits
that blue guy: Just Jason
that blue guy: Unaware Pt. 3
that blue guy: Finally.
that blue guy: Unaware Pt. 2
that blue guy: Melbourne
that blue guy: Bokeh Bubbles