TGirLeanna: Cheers!
TGirLeanna: Heat wave
TGirLeanna: Happy spring is here!
TGirLeanna: Summer’s coming!
TGirLeanna: Long time no see
TGirLeanna: Merry Christmas
TGirLeanna: Fifteen years ago
TGirLeanna: Backing up
TGirLeanna: Dressy
TGirLeanna: Sunday smile
TGirLeanna: Regrets
TGirLeanna: Easy Breezy
TGirLeanna: 2023 Surf
TGirLeanna: 2022 Surf
TGirLeanna: Another Selfie
TGirLeanna: September Selfie
TGirLeanna: Present day
TGirLeanna: Pre-Covid
TGirLeanna: Happy July 4th!
TGirLeanna: Birds of a feather
TGirLeanna: Summer tees
TGirLeanna: Summer dresses and sandals
TGirLeanna: Polka dot pose
TGirLeanna: Polka dot relaxing
TGirLeanna: Polka dot proposition
TGirLeanna: Polka dot party favor
TGirLeanna: OOPSIE!
TGirLeanna: Dressed up
TGirLeanna: Reconnecting
TGirLeanna: Dinner for two