june1777: Lotto (1854/1713) [z1
june1777: 2216/1719 [z'
G.Gallone: Calce viva
tom-schulz: Advent
magnus.joensson: Sneak Preview - C Print
G.Gallone: Sorrento, Italia
G.Gallone: Trabucco. Vieste, southern Italy
serdor: In the Night
fabio_brauer: S. Trovaso. Fuji X- Pro2- Voigtlander Nokton 35\1.2 Aspherical
Ted.devos: 20181024_017
viBtranCe: Llachon
We Make Noise!: minolta HI-MATIC 7s
june1777: 2035/1905
saxild: Leaving Denmark
viBtranCe: Sevilla
viBtranCe: Sevilla
LilFr38: Plateau de Valensole #2
iamunclefester: Glow in the dark
koen_jacobs: 2 passengers...
nori4_4: 0074
fabio_brauer: August 15 th. Leica M3- Leitz super angulon 21\4. Kodak Tx400. Epson V800
fabio_brauer: August 15 th. Leica M3- Leitz super angulon 21\4. Kodak Tx400. Epson V800
fabio_brauer: August 15 th. Leica M3- Leitz super angulon 21\4. Kodak Tx400. Epson V800
fabio_brauer: Asahi Pentax spotmatic- Takumar 50\1.4. Ilford hp5. Epson V800
egor67: DSCF2734