BerColly: Merle | Blackbird | Turdus merula
Cinica_mente: Caravaggio fotografa le Tre Grazie
shottwokill: Pumpkin Below the Splash
meghimeg: L'età dell'oro a street in the dark
Dawn Woodhouse: Golden Glow Opera
BerColly: Horizons Sancy 2011
guidi2: dolphins
dreamer@desh: Robber Fly
Enia A.: Nessuno è più schiavo di colui che si ritiene libero senza esserlo
Iksana Imagery: Sharpenned Tips
Iksana Imagery: Riverfire Brisbane 2011 Black Hawkes Exlpored 3/9/2011
Trey Ratcliff: A Soft Evening on the Lake
Phiggys: Straight from D80 "NO ! P.P."
** Nico **: “Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
silverlarynx: Walking the Giro De Tofana De Rozes in the Dolomites
Tony Immoos: Reflecting on Valley View
M.Pat: vide
ascafon: tzinok
Massimo Feliziani: Road to Castelluccio
Massimo Feliziani: Un pò d'autunno
Massimo Feliziani: Passeggiata
mississaugapictures: Port Credit
Matthew Stewart | Photographer: Shelter For My Soul
Cocoa Dream: Illuminated
PhilB_PbArtWorks: Old Timer