tesserazoa: Emperor Hirohito was also a taxonomist who visited IZ.
tesserazoa: In the halls of IZ it is always taxonomist appreciation day. Here we have Harriet Richardson-Searle, the "First Lady" of isopods.
tesserazoa: Fire Worm Eating Fire Coral!
tesserazoa: Gonionemus-cf-vertens
tesserazoa: Nice contrast: Fish over brain coral
tesserazoa: Safe within the Reef
tesserazoa: St. Vincent 2008
tesserazoa: Local Creek
tesserazoa: Kids love your bottles
tesserazoa: That other can was a long way away
tesserazoa: Nice soda with your hoops?
tesserazoa: My kids playground
tesserazoa: My kids playground (dirty diaper not shown)
tesserazoa: Small children love these
tesserazoa: Free bad advertising
tesserazoa: This kind of garbage is less annoying
tesserazoa: Pills?
tesserazoa: yeah, that's a condom
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