tero.koskinen: Raspberry Pi Zero with Adafruit Joystick Hat
tero.koskinen: vdsl-stats-2020-04-14
tero.koskinen: Temperature sensor on Feather protoshield
tero.koskinen: Feather with sdcard slot
tero.koskinen: Adafruit PN532 breakout board with Olimex STM32-E407
tero.koskinen: Sparkfun nrf51 breakout board
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather (SAMD21) remote control with nRF24
tero.koskinen: Remote control prototype
tero.koskinen: Zumo bot shield adapter for Adafruit Feather
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather M0 on Pololu Zumo shield+chassis
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather with SWD adapter
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather and SWD connection
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather with SWD adapter
tero.koskinen: Trinket on breadboard
tero.koskinen: Trinket on breadboard
tero.koskinen: Atmel SAMD10 on Adafruit permaproto board
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather wings, tmp102 and adxl345 on protowings.
tero.koskinen: Adafruit Feather M0 SWD connections.
tero.koskinen: Feather M0 clock
tero.koskinen: Feather M0 clock
tero.koskinen: Atmel WINC1500 and SSD1306 OLED connected to Sparkfun SAMD21 board
tero.koskinen: Samd21 boards
tero.koskinen: Sparkfun SAMD21 mini breakout board
tero.koskinen: Sparkfun SAMD21 mini breakout board, SWD connector
tero.koskinen: Sparkfun SAM D21 and Adafruit I2C display
tero.koskinen: Sparkfun SAM D21 and Adafruit 128x32 I2C display
tero.koskinen: SAM D10 board on Arduino proto shield
tero.koskinen: SAM D20 custom board on breadboard
tero.koskinen: SAMD20 custom board on breadboard
tero.koskinen: SAMD20 custom board on breadboard