jechstra: Utsikt mot Midtre Syndin
jarle.kvam: IMGP4134-Edit-Edit-2
Hans Fredrik Sunde: Falkefanger-hytta
Håkon Kjøllmoen, Norway: Midnightsun at Sandhornoy
Sander Nordby: Norwegian Blizzard
craig.denford: Hobby Catching Dragonfly, Thursley Common
twoeye: Saltdalen
twoeye: Spring skiing
twoeye: Ferns #4
twoeye: Skipsfjorden #30
twoeye: Skipsfjorden #31
twoeye: Skrubbær #2
twoeye: Mohkkeluobbalat
Bente Foss: Small people - large landscape
Bente Foss: Black sand
Bente Foss: Misterious
Bente Foss: Equality at home
Bente Foss: Banana man
Bente Foss: Preparing dinner together
nplourenco: IMG_6095
kriknudsen: IMG_2753.jpg
Katarina 2353: Summit on the top
Mads Kj: The Norwegian Minotaur
Mads Kj: DSC_0160
Mads Kj: Klatring, Leikanger, NO
Mads Kj: DSC_6157
Mads Kj: DSC_6094-3
Mads Kj: DSC_5556
Mads Kj: DSC_5431
Mads Kj: Mikkelsmyrin, Rondane, NO