mrksaari: Vaccination time!
Carlos J. Teruel: Hoja y Gotas
mylhainen: Jackass penguin on the beach
mylhainen: Ice Crater
Rob Orthen: Existing in peacefulness
Rob Orthen: The whale back of the Archipelago
Rob Orthen: Uutela at dawn
Rob Orthen: Rocks at Uutela
Baggers~: Rainbow Drops
Carlos J. Teruel: Playa del Lastre (Usando Filtros)
~JÓNA~: fjöruferð
Carlos J. Teruel: Charca de la aguja (reposting)
Carlos J. Teruel: Playa del Lastre
Carlos J. Teruel: Calblanque
B. Wilson aka Timo Poppius: Fireworks from God
B. Wilson aka Timo Poppius: New Year Surprise
Joni Niemelä: Red Barn