teresehart: mouth of Lomami_1895
teresehart: 1894 map of Lomami and Lualaba
teresehart: Nyangue and Kassongo-1890s
teresehart: Congo Free State
teresehart: Congo River
teresehart: TL2 location_MAP
teresehart: MAP1 _landcover of TL2
teresehart: reduced focal area 2008
teresehart: tl2_bonobo_v2
teresehart: MAP2 of entire TL2 area
teresehart: SLIDE 1 of John's IPS presentation
teresehart: Exploration paths with waypoints
teresehart: index of elephant presence in TL2
teresehart: the forest TL2 teams have walked
teresehart: Maria's map of TL2
teresehart: sidebar_v4
teresehart: Map of where we are
teresehart: Elephant distribution in the TL2 area
teresehart: The real E15 survey block
teresehart: SLIDE 3 of John's IPS presenation
teresehart: TL2 landscape and surrounding forest
teresehart: The study area map showing nests and infractions
teresehart: The proposed National Park and buffer reserves
teresehart: Areas where elephants have not disappeared in DRCongo
teresehart: Colonel Thoms in TL2
teresehart: Key points along Matt's route from Kindu to Katopa camp
teresehart: Areas where Andrew set up the mist nets
teresehart: The trail of tambikos
teresehart: Lomami National Park