teresehart: typical camp/village along lake
teresehart: Evaluation with supervisors after trip
teresehart: Loading dugout before takeoff
teresehart: Watching birds along the way
teresehart: the lake was significant size
teresehart: dugout on Lac Ndjale
teresehart: Another village meeting
teresehart: Village meeting
teresehart: most village strickly fishing not parrot captures
teresehart: Camp chief is given parrot information
teresehart: years of information
teresehart: elder to elder at Camp Gabon
teresehart: age mates at Camp Gabon
teresehart: with team and camp cheifs at Dongo
teresehart: another sunset lac Ndjale
teresehart: sunset lac Ndjale
teresehart: and more potential tress for nests
teresehart: another view of potential parrot nesting trees
teresehart: egrets fly in front of the dugout
teresehart: Grey Parrots nest in trees dead since a 1996 forest fire
teresehart: egrets flying over Kasuku river upstream from Lake Ndjale
teresehart: JOHN joking with the kids at Losoma
teresehart: meeting in Bielo Village upstream from Lac Ndjale
teresehart: village on lake Ndjale
teresehart: loading the dugout along flooded Kasuku
teresehart: Ramazani with parrots at Annexe
teresehart: Agent des FARDC controle une feuille de route
teresehart: Barriere de Kiyungi copy
teresehart: Bikenge road conditions
teresehart: Nov 07 meeting to write note to gov