teresa.hummel: The cranberry pecan pie is ready to eat. It's not beautiful but it's very tasty. 😄. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
teresa.hummel: The pond. Late fall.
teresa.hummel: Our Japanese maples are always the last trees to show their colors. Every year I forget and every year they look dull for several weeks before suddenly showing their colors.
teresa.hummel: Cousins of Beyoncé the chicken. Knock Knock... 😄
teresa.hummel: And now an Aviation. The bartender in this house is excellent. 😄
teresa.hummel: I'm having the Last Word
teresa.hummel: Cloudy gloomy day. The rain stopped long enough for a walk. The colors are still lovely, even without the sun.
teresa.hummel: Some branches of the family just have to be different 😄
teresa.hummel: Out walking. New England's got it goin' on.
teresa.hummel: The reservoir was looking beautiful today.
teresa.hummel: Lovely day for a walk.
teresa.hummel: Grass tassel in the sun.
teresa.hummel: Dreary day as the leading edge of Matthew arrives. (Or what's left of Matthew). But we still have color.
teresa.hummel: If it's going to be wet and dreary, at least we can have a fire in the fireplace.
teresa.hummel: Sadly bad pic. But the calamari is just wonderful. 👍
teresa.hummel: Low tide.
teresa.hummel: Nebbiolo. I like it. 😄🍷
teresa.hummel: With the wispy clouds we were hoping for a nice sunset... sadly it didn't happen. Oh well. Maybe next time. 😄
teresa.hummel: Today the wind was great and we managed to sail out near Boston Light! Farthest we've gotten on our own. 😄. BTW happy 300 years to Boston Light. Keep on shining.
teresa.hummel: Good evening from Boston
teresa.hummel: Boston through the rigging. The rigging belongs to the Roseway which is a lovely boat.
teresa.hummel: Outdoor wedding by the harbor walk. Congrats to the unknown couple. May they have a happy life together. 😄
teresa.hummel: On your mark, get set, sail!!! It's a race.
teresa.hummel: It has been a beautiful Fall.
teresa.hummel: There is nothing better than New England in the Fall.
teresa.hummel: Fall color in full swing.
teresa.hummel: Fall color has arrived. Thus begins the most beautiful season in Nee England.
teresa.hummel: Enjoying sunset on one of the last really lovely warm days. I would love to have one more month of summer.
teresa.hummel: Beautiful day for a sail.
teresa.hummel: Beautiful day in Boston