terenjac: 2011-08-31 10.28.34 Coral
terenjac: tj1 - Copy extracted image copyTerence
terenjac: Tourists at Borobudur
terenjac: Borobudur d
terenjac: Borobudur a
terenjac: m_Coral and Terence with Merapi in the background
terenjac: m_Forests destroyed by ash and heat a
terenjac: m_Rebuilding
terenjac: "Chingu"
terenjac: Home sweet home
terenjac: Home sweet home, Brooks Bay, Tasmania
terenjac: August 2010 near Breona, central Tasmania
terenjac: Ditto
terenjac: Coral & Terence - South of Southport, Tasmania
terenjac: Farm shed
terenjac: Shearers quarters
terenjac: Farm house
terenjac: Rice paddy near Donghae - Sth. Korea
terenjac: Rice paddy near Donghae - Sth. Korea
terenjac: Onion crop near Donghae - Sth Korea
terenjac: Terry 2 years 5 months
terenjac: Tarryn in tree
terenjac: Terence at 60 + years
terenjac: Dogs 27 May 2007