telma.russo: Contry House
telma.russo: clock stop
telma.russo: janela de luz
telma.russo: Aura...
telma.russo: rua dos douradores
telma.russo: Painting Ballet act.I
telma.russo: Painting Ballet act.Il
telma.russo: Painting Ballet act.Ill
telma.russo: eletronic angel
telma.russo: publico
telma.russo: Mertola
telma.russo: Mertola
telma.russo: cuf (Companhia União Fabril)
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white I
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white II
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white III
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white IV
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white V
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telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white VIII
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white IX
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white X
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white XI
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white VI