telma.russo: Moda & Tendencias 2011-Internacional Design Hotel
telma.russo: Moda & Tendencias 2011-Internacional Design Hotel
telma.russo: Moda & Tendencias 2011-Internacional Design Hotel
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: MTV from Grey to Raibow
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white XI
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white X
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white IX
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white VIII
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white VII
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white VI
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white V
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white IV
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white III
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white II
telma.russo: Donwtown Details___Black and white I
telma.russo: MUSE II
telma.russo: Rock in Rio publ.
telma.russo: MUSE I
telma.russo: Muse III
telma.russo: Always walking
telma.russo: Human rockect
telma.russo: Contry House
telma.russo: Painting Ballet act.I
telma.russo: Painting Ballet act.Il