version3point1: DSCF6383.jpg
version3point1: 0020-4d803.jpg
version3point1: 06.10.2024
version3point1: Aldgate, November 2024
mikeyashworth: Futura : the type of today and tomorrow : specimen brochure : Bauer Type Foundry : Frankfurt am Main and New York : Soldans Limited : London : nd [c.1935]
charcoal soul: Let me out!!
highglosshighs: Cheese makes everyone smile
dr_loplop: To celebrate flickr's 20th birthday, here is some jam in the shape of a cat*
charcoal soul: Man Had 860 Pairs Of Women's Knickers, Court Told
highglosshighs: Thunderstorm
charcoal soul: spooky season
highglosshighs: Accidentally Wes Anderson
version3point1: 0026-7f131
version3point1: 625609730023
version3point1: 625609730008
version3point1: 831032460015
John Linwood: Clear skies after about 10 days of rain
version3point1: 000057500023
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version3point1: 000059240018
version3point1: 74830032
version3point1: Snow window detail, Lewis Chemist, Haven Green, December 2021
version3point1: San Francisco, November 2022
version3point1: 328100020018-2
version3point1: accidental double-exposure (Met line edition)
charcoal soul: neon tree / water reflection closeup
highglosshighs: Tunnocks clock at Glasgow Airport