ignatz11: Vorbau
Kahmon Chai: bendan_HA party girl
♫muxu: 花影
carlin leigh: Color Me
`Kevin Wang: 叢林北美館
♫muxu: the year of the rabbit
Max xx: Sally Lightfoot Crab 4
fixelzero: Music-is-Love
Kubecka: Thrice
Nancy Rose: Canadian bokeh
- t a k a k o -: blissfully
miramonster: the waves are calling
`Kevin Wang: 風格檔拍攝教學書第二冊封面
munkin.: Cat In Kaipeng
Kaela HYK: pink ♥ bokeh
kweong™: a Beautiful Day
duane.schoon: Merry Christmas to all my Flickr Friends
`Kevin Wang: Kevin Wang新書最新版本
tjeerdoo: Burning Sensation
Kaela HYK: it's my sunday =)
rob orchard: comparison - 50mm f1.8 vs 50mm f1.4
Bogdan Suditu: Puppy