Ted_Roger_Karson: A Pair of Mourning Doves and a Squirrel
Ted_Roger_Karson: A Pair Of Mourning Doves
Ted_Roger_Karson: English Sparrow and a Female Red-winged Black Bird
Ted_Roger_Karson: Two Female Red-winged Black Birds
Ted_Roger_Karson: Four Female Red-Winged Black Birds (upper right) and two Squirrels
Ted_Roger_Karson: A Female Mourning Dove?
Ted_Roger_Karson: A Crow and Squirrel
Ted_Roger_Karson: Our New "Bird Feeder"? untouched photo
Ted_Roger_Karson: What Do You Want?
Ted_Roger_Karson: Squirrels Going Wild
Ted_Roger_Karson: Squirrel and New "Bird Feeder" untouched telemacro photo (please enlarge) using a Panasonic FZ28
Ted_Roger_Karson: Gray Squirrel Likes Organic Bread O&D SOOC
Ted_Roger_Karson: White Breasted Gray Squirrel Optical And Digital SOOC
Ted_Roger_Karson: White Breasted Gray Squirrel Smiling?
Ted_Roger_Karson: White Breasted Gray Squirrel And Small Crow
Ted_Roger_Karson: Small Crow
Ted_Roger_Karson: Squirrel Going up the Bird Feeder Pole
Ted_Roger_Karson: Success SOOC
Ted_Roger_Karson: Go For It! SOOC
Ted_Roger_Karson: Going Down The Fast Way
Ted_Roger_Karson: This Is The Correct Way To Go Down The Bird Feeder Pole
Ted_Roger_Karson: Hog The Squirrel
Ted_Roger_Karson: What A Mess
Ted_Roger_Karson: Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus SOOC IMG_7359
Ted_Roger_Karson: Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus SOOC IMG_7367
Ted_Roger_Karson: Black-capped Chickadee, Poecile atricapillus SOOC IMG_7369
Ted_Roger_Karson: Two Black-capped Chickadees, Poecile atricapillus IMG_7372
Ted_Roger_Karson: Squirrel In The Shade Of A Tree hand-held camera telephoto P1070608
Ted_Roger_Karson: Squirrel With A Nut In Mouth hand-held camera telephoto P1070612