Ted Abbott: Tuna salad and cheese on toasted bagel sandwich.
Ted Abbott: Mother of Perpetual Help
Ted Abbott: St Matthew Catholic Charlotte NC
Ted Abbott: 300 Rides
Ted Abbott: Double Mary
Ted Abbott: Free bird
Ted Abbott: Tita at Biltmore
Ted Abbott: Aunt Kathy and Papa John
Ted Abbott: Shrine
Ted Abbott: Our wedding outtake
Ted Abbott: Rita and Aunt Kathy
Ted Abbott: Chillin
Ted Abbott: Santo Ninyo
Ted Abbott: The disciples
Ted Abbott: My brother in his last days
Ted Abbott: Indai
Ted Abbott: Stargazer
Ted Abbott: Profile
Ted Abbott: Striking a pose.
Ted Abbott: Indai
Ted Abbott: The Assumption of the BVM
Ted Abbott: St Peregrine pray for us.
Ted Abbott: Tita at Carolina Place Mall
Ted Abbott: Indai and the Battleship
Ted Abbott: My 8 week string on my Myxbike
Ted Abbott: Lamb of God
Ted Abbott: Tita and Jonathan at EWTN 2007
Ted Abbott: Indai striking a pose
Ted Abbott: Indai at Korean bbq
Ted Abbott: Indai and Perut