funkanthropic: ghost_Panorama1
funkanthropic: Walmart
funkanthropic: manhattan near dark
funkanthropic: Manhattan_dusk
funkanthropic: clouds2
funkanthropic: late afternoon
funkanthropic: approaching manhattan
funkanthropic: melancholy
funkanthropic: full of...well, air
funkanthropic: Sasha and the park
funkanthropic: sasha_2
funkanthropic: The Moon over Blvd
funkanthropic: Manhattan from Weehawken
funkanthropic: waiting_to_cross
funkanthropic: shoes
funkanthropic: my_office
funkanthropic: manhattan2
funkanthropic: Latka?
funkanthropic: gator_in New Jersey
funkanthropic: manhattan
funkanthropic: Logan Five