technekai: kiełbasa
technekai: the female teaches her young to find sustenance in the woods
technekai: the beet salad didn't fit on the plate. picked the greens at a farm in the morning, yum. wild trout with catamelized lemon and cilantro (inside)
technekai: forage and feed. wild dandelion greens w/ yellow squash, garlic, drip of honey.
technekai: fellow traveller
technekai: murk
technekai: amber lake
technekai: sałata i deser / ensalada y postre
technekai: no parking #duh
technekai: escapee
technekai: thanks for the eggs
technekai: #tropicielka #harcerka
technekai: find
technekai: rodzina / familia
technekai: i see you