technekai: yessss, my sisters.
technekai: autumn décor at its best. shame shame shame i know your name, #containerstore
technekai: date with myself, writing demented children's stories. ah, fridays.
technekai: this here is my bed and it is all i want to see until tomorrow ok thx #off
technekai: alive!!!!!
technekai: #lalalala
technekai: goodbye summer / wrong side pf the sun (walking out of Amy, not easy to see and stirs up all kimds of demons)
technekai: Donut County by Dan Esposito. reminded me of katamari damacy. you have a hole in the ground that gets larger as you swallow more things. cute graphics + existential angst = WIN. indie videogames at Artcade.
technekai: the nice thang about bloody mary is you start the day with vegetables
technekai: when you decide to use less plastic and individually wrap 19 packets (in compostable paper baggies) for classroom snack , sealed with paper mailing labels. this instead of getting beauty sleep. #typea #whaaaaat
technekai: more birthday card collage. thx @chloalo for the magazines
technekai: my kind of "taste the rainbow". take that, skittles.
technekai: weather is desaturated. i make my own sunshine.
technekai: bus stop breakfast, or "stuff we found on our customers' trays and cooked in bread batter"
technekai: more lovely décor
technekai: visual menu
technekai: this is a historical novel, illustrated in mobile messaging. have no idea what it says but the idea is 👏👏👏
technekai: google translate says it's "siberian gooseberry" but i say hairless miniature kiwi.
technekai: reminds me of dogs waiting for owners outside a deli
technekai: $10 juice in seoul, too what up, @juicepress, proud of your reach?
technekai: i will conquer you, o well-marbled beef
technekai: some of my 20million neighbors today
technekai: all the down there
technekai: cuuute illustration from Café Artisée Seoul ❤️❤️❤️
technekai: good morning seoul
technekai: gangnam style
technekai: happy money
technekai: fish n chips for littles! should have skipped the breadcrumbs but this cobia was delicious. rare find at the greenmarket.
technekai: in ❤️ with this japanese man-purse @boweryworld help me figure out how to pattern?