rudyg39: Egret
Dave 2x: Lesser Sooty Owl (Tyto multipunctata)
Dave 2x: Eastern Barn Owl (Tyto delicatula)
cebu blackshama: Orange-breasted Flowerpecker
cebu blackshama: Mantanani Scops-owl (Otus mantananensis)
cebu blackshama: Philippine Scrubfowl (Megapodius cumingii)
cebu blackshama: Philippine Scrubfowl
cebu blackshama: Barred Rail
jeff lewis photos: Purple Sandpiper 028
Oeil Sauvage: Bondrée apivore
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: Grey Tooth (Phellodon melaleucus) (L) & Black Tooth (Phellodon niger) (R)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: Earpick Fungus (Auriscalpium vulgare)
BiteYourBum.Com Photography: Earpick Fungus (Auriscalpium vulgare)
Dave 2x: Northern Giant Petrel (Macronectes halli)
Dave 2x: Weka (Gallirallus australis)
ProDigi: Super Blue Blood Moon ️2018
ProDigi: Super Blue Moon
Nathalia de Melo: Graveteiro (Phacellodomus ruber) - Greater Thornbird
dirkvanmourik: 072.1 Lepelaar-20170501-J1705-54113
Dave 2x: Ibisbill (Ibidorhyncha struthersii)
Dave 2x: Tasmanian Nativehen (Tribonyx mortierii)
Luana Bianquini: Saíra-militar - Tangara cyanocephala - Red-necked Tanager
Dave 2x: Yellow-billed Spoonbill (Platalea flavipes)
Dave 2x: Western Gerygone (Gerygone fusca fusca)
Dave 2x: Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
Dave 2x: Australian Pelican (Pelecanus conspicillatus)
Dave 2x: Buff-banded Rail (Gallirallus philippensis mellori)
Andy & Helen :-) :): Hangin' Around ... just for the fun of it ;-)
Dave 2x: Superb Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus cyaneus)