Effe.Effe: Cheers
cham_: N&B : montjuic
[giusepperenna]: ...on the road...
--->Dama<---: lascio la questione in sospeso..
soulrush: the courage of others.
xeno(x): histoire d' orange X
Pensiero: Underdark
WatchinDworldGoBy: The Fallen Guardian Angel
Blacksmith369: Lonely Outpost
Eliza Boo: standing alone
massi_pugliese: Banzai beach
van cooley: evanescence
monofox: deep forest- flashlights
littlehonda.: birds...
mluisa_: assenza di comunicazione a Parigi
ReMarkable Blackbird: Ashley 7 months
Nieves Books: maeda02
soulrush: dreams are suspended.
Federica Erra: tape dispenser
erik.c.c: .Ma.Xi.Ma.
sara@lice: quanti sono i miei errori cancellati con la fretta
rem85: es heißt, die Zeit heilt alle Wunden... .... :-|
eqqman: Turqouis debris on the shore
eqqman: Keep off the dunes