teach dubh: Stealth camp. In between shifts. Halfway from Mt Isa to Duchess, outback Queensland, Australia. Headed out of town in the dark. Awoke to a view of bright red earth on one side and a dry river bed on the other. ......And back to work after a nice vietname
teach dubh: Stealth camp. In between shifts. Halfway from Mt Isa to Duchess, outback Queensland, Australia. Headed out of town in the dark. Awoke to a view of bright red earth on one side and a dry river bed on the other. ......And back to work after a nice vietname
teach dubh: Stealth camp. In between shifts. Halfway from Mt Isa to Duchess, outback Queensland, Australia. Headed out of town in the dark. Awoke to a view of bright red earth on one side and a dry river bed on the other. ......And back to work after a nice vietname
teach dubh: Stealth camp. In between shifts. Halfway from Mt Isa to Duchess, outback Queensland, Australia. Headed out of town in the dark. Awoke to a view of bright red earth on one side and a dry river bed on the other. ......And back to work after a nice vietname
teach dubh: Brompton On Aeromedical Retrieval Aircraft! Hitching a ride to Aurukun, Remote Aboriginal Community, Cape York, Far North Queensland, Australia.
teach dubh: Brompton On Aeromedical Retrieval Aircraft! Hitching a ride to Aurukun, Remote Aboriginal Community, Cape York, Far North Queensland, Australia.
teach dubh: Brompton On Aeromedical Retrieval Aircraft! Hitching a ride to Aurukun, Remote Aboriginal Community, Cape York, Far North Queensland, Australia.
teach dubh: DSC_0304
teach dubh: DSC_0168
teach dubh: DSC_0163