andhow / T.:
Notes to Myself on My 25th Year of Life
andhow / T.:
Note #1: Do one thing every day that scares you.
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Note #2: Adopt high standards in your career and never lower them.
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Note #3: If you're going through hell, keep going.
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Note #4: Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.
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Note #5: Whatever you are, be a good one.
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Note #6: Persistence, not perfection.
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Note #7: First, care.
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Note #8: Fall down seven times, get up eight.
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Note #9: Yesterday you said tomorrow.
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Note #10: The moment you hesitate is the moment you lose.
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Note #11: You were sick, but now you're well, and there's work to do.
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Note #12: Refusing to make a decision is a decision.
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Note #13: If I'm not failing, I'm not trying.
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Note #14: Do what you love and do it well.
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Note #15: You are bound to contradict yourself. Accept it.
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Note #16: Off your ass, onto your feet, out of the shade and into the heat!
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Note #17: Always say "Please" and "Thank you".
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Note #18: Less is more.
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Note #19: Someday it will all make sense.
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Note #20: If feeling down, cake.