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andhow / T.: HAN ✈️ MNL
andhow / T.: "I haven't been everywhere, but it's on my list." — Susan Sontag
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andhow / T.: Hà Chí Hiéu's "Sentiment II" (1994). Oil on canvas.
andhow / T.: Thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara
andhow / T.: Buddha entering nirvana
andhow / T.: Buddha Shakyamuni, whose hands are as large as my face
andhow / T.: 16th Patriarch: the Venerable Rahulata
andhow / T.: 8th Patriarch: the Venerable Buddhanandi
andhow / T.: Thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara
andhow / T.: Thousand-armed and thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara
andhow / T.: Amitabha Buddha
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andhow / T.: Green Tangerine is now one of my favourite places to eat. ❤️ They serve French-Vietnamese cuisine at this lovely restored house with a cobbled courtyard.
andhow / T.: Detail of a crane's wing
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andhow / T.: The Well of Heavenly Clarity
andhow / T.: A doctors' stone stelae atop a tortoise, one of the 82 surrounding the courtyard. Built between 1484 and 1780, each stone has engraved names of some of the famous Confucian scholars in Vietnam.
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