Romuphoto: An einem sonnigen Nachmittag unterwegs beim Wildenhof im September 2024.
Paul Tuckley: Black-Headed Gull (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
aurelien.ebel: 1Y6A6843.jpg
jfstoneman1: Annapurna South
saskia.zehm: fall is here
Nicolas Appel: Shannon
icephotojim: Painted Bunting (Explored 12/26/2024)
peterbaird100: Mushrooms
.|mwopics|.: cleo am fenster
Martin Wacker: RED_MAW_1608_3
mega.tollefson: Orange Cosmos
Chez Awesome: A1_09862-Edit.jpg
SeaRayPhotos: Snowy Owl in Michigan
Anna Sedlmeir: Chamomiles in summer sunset
Catherine Sienko: Blue Monday
Wim van de Meerendonk, back home!: Freeze! (In Explore 27-09-2024, and 26-12-2024)
laurent_arasco: spatules blanches.Platalea leucorodia - Eurasian Spoonbill
PZ Sunrays: Fiordland's Majestic Layers (explored 12-6-2024 & Explore takeover Your Best Shot Contest 12-25-2024)
*ines_maria: …spiderman…
Ollie Pitt: Akha Entrance
hwicker: Double, double toil and trouble
John Bowno: The rehearsal
Will be mostly absent over the next week: Coming full circle (Explored)
millivedder: Parrot mushroom
Dana 48: morning dew (explored)
fabriciodo2: Polyura eudamippus