kriegs: Speed Limit
jabella: World Maker Faire 2014 Setup Day.
jabella: World Maker Faire 2014 Setup Day.
jabella: "Life Size" 3D Print from Jetguy's huge printer.
FranMoff: MakerBot Replicator 2 3-D printer seen at Boston Comic Con 2014
Skrekkøgle: IMG_8802
wizard23: At Metalab with Adrian Bowyer :)
GeekShadow: P1060954
khatt: Bookcase kitty II
s p e x: 20130921-DSC_6381
Matthew LaBerge: IceBot One Fail
bryanvaccaro: IMG_8262
wizard23: Replicator 2X has arrived!!!
watsdesign: DSCF4274
jurvetson: Launch of the 3D Printed Rocket at NASA
MattStultz: DSCN0509.JPG
MattStultz: DSCN0483.JPG
MattStultz: DSCN0479.JPG
wizard23: Fully Printed Parametric Music Box With Exchangeable Song-Cylinders
altgoodman: IMG_2024
Matsubue: Multicolor christmas star in progress
hudson: Makerbot in the SOTU
Matthew LaBerge: Laywoo-D3 Simulated Wood Grain
John Biehler: Sappho
jabella: (Unofficial) MakerBot Replicator XL
kongorilla: Glow-Poly Mask - In Doorway - Looking Down
Yay_pt: Fishermans Memorial