Tony Buser: First (manually pushed) extrusion
Tony Buser: Barrel too close to carriage?
Tony Buser: It's ALIVE!
Tony Buser: Front cam on iphone4 needs a photobooth app, also: rare pic of my ugly mug
Tony Buser: Macro photo with flash on iphone4 = awesome
Tony Buser: Testing picture quality with iphone4
Tony Buser: Father And Son
Tony Buser: Power, USB, and Motherboard Complete
Tony Buser: Soldering Coax Power Jack
Tony Buser: Mendel Coax Power Bracket
Tony Buser: Mendel Coax Power Bracket
Tony Buser: Mendel Coax Power Bracket
Tony Buser: Mendel Coax Power Bracket
Tony Buser: Broken Capacitor Detail
Tony Buser: Broken Capacitor Detail
Tony Buser: Broke off a capacitor!
Tony Buser: Bottom of Motherboard RepRap style mods
Tony Buser: Closeup of Motherboard RepRap Style Mod
Tony Buser: Closeup of Extruder RepRap Style Mod
Tony Buser: Modified MakerBot Motherboard, Extruder, and Opto Endstop to RepRap Style
Tony Buser: Modified MakerBot Stepper Motor Drivers for RepRap
Tony Buser: 100 ft Length eh?
Tony Buser: Wade Extruder top view
Tony Buser: Wade Extruder side view
Tony Buser: Pinch wheel fit inside extruder
Tony Buser: Pinch Wheel Worm Jig Setup
Tony Buser: Hobbing the pinchwheel
Tony Buser: Filed a groove in the bolt
Tony Buser: 2nd Wade Extruder Fail
Tony Buser: Mendel Pulleys