Tony Buser: Dead grass in backyard - before pic
Tony Buser: More dead grass spots behind garage - before pic
Tony Buser: Amy got grape and rasberry sticks-in-a-box from lowes weeks ago, they sprouted so I put em in pots till I decide where to put em
Tony Buser: Rhubarb is happy
Tony Buser: Strawberries came back too
Tony Buser: Strawberries really spread out
Tony Buser: Dwarf Banana Tree in serious need of re-potting
Tony Buser: 2 Banana tree pups
Tony Buser: "Big" banana tree seems happy
Tony Buser: Dwarf Banana Pup 1
Tony Buser: Dwarf Banana Pup 2
Tony Buser: Trying out starting sweet potatoes
Tony Buser: Strawberries are flowering!
Tony Buser: Sweet Potatoes Sprouting
Tony Buser: Giant Lemon from Tiny Tree!
Tony Buser: Huge Lemon is Huge
Tony Buser: Strawberries growing in my garden
Tony Buser: Potatoes that grew back on their own