Tony Buser:
Epoxying nichrome to ceramic plate
Tony Buser:
Epoxying Nichrome
Tony Buser:
Curing Epoxy
Tony Buser:
Molex Connectors and Crimps
Tony Buser:
Y stage connectors
Tony Buser:
Almost complete Y stage and ceramic platform
Tony Buser:
Attaching the final ring terminals
Tony Buser:
Weighing down the Y stage
Tony Buser:
Finished epoxying everything
Tony Buser:
It Works!
Tony Buser:
Modified Y-Stage standoffs and wiring
Tony Buser:
Tried a bit of fiberglass insulation
Tony Buser:
Heated Build Platform Installed
Tony Buser:
First Successful Test Print on Heated Platform
Tony Buser:
Fan Cooling
Tony Buser:
Trouble with raftless plugin
Tony Buser:
Calibration Print
Tony Buser:
Bottom of print
Tony Buser:
I totally kicked skeinforge's ass
Tony Buser:
Shiny Bottom
Tony Buser:
Tony Buser:
Mirror Finish on bottom
Tony Buser:
Improved Print Quality
Tony Buser:
Warp Be Gone
Tony Buser:
No more rafts
Tony Buser:
Tony Buser:
PLA Butterfly
Tony Buser:
Shiny Backsides
Tony Buser:
Heated Build Platform Second Thermistor Adapter
Tony Buser:
Extruder, Heated Build Platform, and Fan all functional