Walter Phillips: Faces of Melbourne
athexphotographs: Taking Stride
ran-takeda: girl, 2024-06 FILM
leeeham: Dave Carswell
leeeham: Queenstown, Tasmania
leeeham: Hakodate
leeeham: Hakodate
john@aus: walking on bridge
LunaliteSBC: And through the mist of the night came the Fox
Dr Abbate: Blue Underpass
joao batista: lost 443
Robert Drozda: lotta green
leica1956: Learning to see
john@aus: walking in rain
Yiannis Yiasaris: ground control
noitacifier: Midtown East, New York
LunaliteSBC: Rainy Ferry Crossing
Cranamanor13: veuve clicquotaus
Adrian in Japan: Melbourne
noitacifier: Zizpiration
noitacifier: National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
purple camel: Frankfurt HBF
lonely radio: distant things #signs