ziz: Rhys on his birthday with emerging dalek
ziz: Rhys, still on his birthday but with less exposed dalek
ziz: bird carrier
ziz: gpo reader
ziz: scale
ziz: big world
ziz: news of the settlement
ziz: crosser
ziz: grin
ziz: copenhagen?
ziz: MSM Victoria Park photowalk: the wayward blue bagger
ziz: the passing critic
ziz: well you could call me dennis!
ziz: mesmer
ziz: vincent
ziz: Melb flickr meet - street portrait shoot
ziz: Melb flickr meet - street portrait shoot
ziz: melb flickr meet - street portrait shoot
ziz: Melb flickr meet - street portrait shoot
ziz: perusing
ziz: a kind of homecoming
ziz: a kind of homecoming
ziz: a kind of homecoming
ziz: a kind of homecoming
ziz: a kind of homecoming
ziz: recovery room
ziz: goodluck: susan
ziz: goodluck
ziz: goodluck: standing in the shadow of cocktails
ziz: goodluck: susan observes the crowd