taxi2: Bit breezy on top
taxi2: Pystal Rhyaddr
taxi2: Stream
taxi2: Caernarfon Sunset
taxi2: Snowdon Lake.
taxi2: Lyn gwynant
taxi2: Tree overlooking ruined castle
taxi2: Dynorwic
taxi2: Llanberis castle
taxi2: Stream Waterfall
taxi2: Llanberis Waterfall
taxi2: Llyn Padwyn
taxi2: Llyn Padwyn
taxi2: Dynorwic
taxi2: Lower Horseshoe Falls
taxi2: Swgd Gadlays
taxi2: River Nedd
taxi2: Lower Horseshoe falls
taxi2: trickle to to torrent
taxi2: penclwadd 1
taxi2: penclawdd 2
taxi2: Swollen Stream
taxi2: Slow Down
taxi2: Fairy Pools 2
taxi2: Fairy Pools 3
taxi2: Fairy Pools 4
taxi2: Fairy Pools - Isle of Skye
taxi2: Beast Rider
taxi2: 20141019-Waterfalls-TP-Meet-0030-Edit
taxi2: 20141019-Waterfalls-TP-Meet-0031