transgems1312: Heroin in the thigh
transgems1312: Got the letter today, disowned by my family for being trans, expected it, but it still hurts.
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: Attention shoppers: transgender girl at Menards and she has no clue what she is doing she's just a little outside her element
transgems1312: School supplies, yes, a bamboo stick for dance school which I start in September
transgems1312: IMG_20170702_110711
transgems1312: IMG_20170701_141932
transgems1312: IMG_20170701_141901
transgems1312: IMG_20170701_141839
transgems1312: One year anniversary for Mosaic Heath and Wellness LGBT
transgems1312: One year anniversary for Mosaic Heath and Wellness LGBT
transgems1312: One year anniversary for Mosaic Heath and Wellness LGBT
transgems1312: 3/4 G IM
transgems1312: 3/4 G IM
transgems1312: 3/4 G IM
transgems1312: 3/4 G IM
transgems1312: Book I am reading, Mosaic Heath and Wellness has a little lending Library
transgems1312: Book I am reading, Mosaic Heath and Wellness has a little lending library
transgems1312: Book I am reading, Mosaic Heath and Wellness has a little lending library
transgems1312: Book I am reading, Mosaic Heath and Wellness has a little lending library
transgems1312: Book I am reading, Mosaic Heath and Wellness has a little lending library
transgems1312: IMG_20170627_121621
transgems1312: IMG_20170627_121641
transgems1312: FMC CARSWELL
transgems1312: IMG_20170624_112319
transgems1312: IMG_20170624_112002