Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Pic from
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Radio Thunderbolt presents first mp3 set entitled ‘All Saint Mix’. Featuring Johnny Fitzgerald Kennedy, Charles de Gaulle, Dwight Eisenhower, Yitzhak Rabin und Konrad Adenauer, accomplained by Ronald Reagan wisdom and advices. You can listen it online, d
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: ABC News infroming about Moammar Gadhafi Death showing video made from mobile phone, ask at same time 'How Rebels Killed the Dictator'. Well, they did it by sms. Read unusual story of unusual practicies that lead our Colonel to his grave. Read unusual sms
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: In response to recent moves of Merkel CDU, Messiah issued final warning to Jewish state of Israel:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Read wanted warranty that Israeli milicja has made on occassion of aniversary of construction of Berlin Wall:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: In response to Polish condemmendation of Belarus arrest, Messiah warns state of Israel of possible dissolvment of jewish nation. If Holocaust compensations would be not handled in correct manner I will use my only ritght that you has enabled in 1984. Read
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Witkacy Workshop invites all Brown Shirts and others interested in discovering essence of jewish Kabbalah to visit our online photo gallery:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Eludicating state of Israel, this time answering on question: "How many jews are living in Poland":
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Today we has felt this famous Matrix vibration through our reality, again. Dutch Tourist Found Alive and Well after 18 Days in Spanish Ravine. Yes, Mela Muter is back and not only Tomasso can be lite surprised. Together with Otto Wels, leader of German So
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: In Krakow, Galicia they has started thier so called Judeo Christian congress in very unusual manner. From funeral of Italian horse. Horse Wesel Lied. Read more on unusual city ballet reconstructed by ellite of Judaism and Christianity seen by eyes of subj
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Is this realy Alber Speer, architect of III Reich trying to squash my 'Smolensk report' through return of Memel? Kate Bush is back from picnick, we has been told yesterday. Is Mel too, our Romeo would ask? Read why it does not surprised me, few words abou
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: While Polish authorities still are not sure if our Rose of Stanbul is back alive, I am inviting you to check out webblog with works of my grandfather first would be (murdered by bottle in 1933 and 'ressurected' later). Check out blog on works of grandmoth
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Tommorrow, yet another Gaza flotila is leaving port. Hamas told them that if they want they should go. I share same point of view but want to give our activists and participants some more clues. Take a look at Statue of Liberty and listen to Vogelahndel V
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: While Polish media are informing about some female activist that has been ticked for her activities in Belarus I also received similar ticket from facebook internet service when I was posting link to Lithuanian letter on jewish pages. Check out what was s
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Messiah presents Open Letter to President of Lithuania on so called Shoah/Stalinism compensations for jewish people. Text of letter:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Yesterday Messiah congratulated Kadima, today presenting another postcard from Likud touturs. Ahead of Nethanyahu visit in Poland, refreshing you memory of Barrack X. Alive from heart of European Union. More:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Do you know what are doing President of Greece deputies, after they has left him? I saw them on the aveanue dressed a'la prisoners. In striped pidjams. They say they are like prisoners in concentration camp. Prisoners of YHWH. Are they realy jews? On my g
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Did you heard echo of J.F.K famous I am Berliner speach in words of U.S. Secretary of Defense leaving old continent? They say that Soviet Union is long time over but it is so with Soviet ideology? Is not United States is same situation that Soviets was? C
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: At occassion of American Independence Day, Messiah was trying to find answer on hard and unthinkable question. Why all jewish congressmans has vanished there? Read more:
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said, Ye men of
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Stachu on 1 June: "Yet with a certain pride I would like to inform the world that thanks to the war we have raised a new species of children. Our children don’t like fairy tales they play at killing. Awake and asleep they dream of soup of bread and bones,
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: blog. This time presenting you part of 'Commie Bible' St. Mikolaczyk book entitled 'Rape of Poland', book that was so powerful that in effect has killed both Jozef Stalin and Mao Tze Tung, for a moment bringing better times for mankind on the Eastern hemi
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: While siting down on our avenue, i am enjoying different form of insults towards Jewish nation. Sometimes very vulgar, sometimes very subtle. You can be sure that i feel them all. Maybe my Romantic souls is oversensitive, maybe it is just my knowledge of
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Today has scremed: 'Poland, Germany and Russia united in one voice (agains Lukaszenko)' We are shocked. Well, reporters, in this broadly perceived, as jewish medium, should not be shocked. They should already noticed, that this eugenic chunk is
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: With hope, my dear brothers in Islam, that you will understand heretical teachings of Obama Bin Laden. Open your eyes and check if the book you hold in your hands is realy Quran? Is it realy Tora? Is not this by accident 'Main Kampf'? Is this Allah that i
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: While on streets of Brussels people was loudly debating Tusk pact for culture and some other laydies, polish television was showing some horrible picture of one of Iranian womens that has been victim of thier own foolishnes and antisemitic journey from Ro
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Tora: ” will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD” Jeremiah 31:37 In Israeli media, they has just told that only “Fifty-five percent of Israel population say maintaining Jewish majority is most important thing.
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Our Workshop have simple free gadget for your blog or webpage. If you would like to have our quotations displayed randomly, please read installation instruction: On start just two quotes of Jean Paul II and General Eisenhower. If you h
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Our Workshop have simple free gadget for your blog or webpage. If you would like to have our quotations displayed randomly, simply put this singe line on your blog or webpage: On start just two quotes of Jean Paul II and General Eisenhower. If you have i
Artur 'TAUTUR' Taurus: Now, my wishesh to Pakistan and all NIV+ communities. Wishesh of fast recuperation and return to health. The congratulations made by Pakistan PM on 9 May, has stayed even under usual Marocain ones: I will show you very clearly, dear In